What is #BumpDay?
#BumpDay is a day to celebrate beautiful babies and bumps, and to raise awareness about global maternal health needs.
On July 17, join a movement supporting healthy pregnancies and safe births.
How? Post a picture of your baby bump photo on July 17 with the hashtag #BumpDay.

Now in its fifth year, #BumpDay is a joint project between What to Expect and International Medical Corps aimed at raising awareness about maternal health needs around the world.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 830 women die every day as a result of preventable pregnancy-related causes.

Most complications from pregnancy and childbirth could be prevented or managed if women had access to a skilled birth attendant. Unfortunately, one in five births worldwide happens without that assistance.

With access to prenatal care in pregnancy, skilled care during childbirth, and care and support in the weeks after childbirth, most maternal deaths are preventable.

Millions of mothers globally still do not have access to proper prenatal care — and that can be the difference between life and death.

Posting a picture of your baby bump on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter on #BumpDay will help bring attention to the need to ensure healthy pregnancies, safe births and healthy, happy babies for all moms, everywhere.

But there’s more you can do besides posting a picture of your baby bump — you also can encourage your friends and family to post their own pictures on #BumpDay, and you can sign up to find out more about global maternal health issues.
We look forward to seeing you on #BumpDay!

The worldwide maternal mortality rate dropped by 44% between 1990 and 2015. We CAN make a difference!

Spread the word, share the love — and post your pic on #BumpDay to support healthy pregnancies and safe births for all moms and babies!

Learn more about International Medical Corps
Follow International Medical Corps on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
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